Final Illustrator Draft
Audience/ Purpose
I started this project by having UCSB physics students in mind, age 18-21 (freshman through seniors). I went to an AOP meeting where I saw all of the different countries students of different majors could visit. So I decided to create a flier for students of my major on all the places they can go; however, they are not the only audience. I also made this flier for students who are thinking about transferring over to physics in hopes that this will help sway them over to physics. The typical physics student who wishes to travel abroad is mesmerized by the theoretical aspect of it, yet, they enjoy being out of their comfort zone. Seeing an opportunity to be completely out of their comfort zone, in another country, they realize it is a perfect opportunity for it. I am trying to communicate the idea that studying abroad is a once in a lifetime opportunity that if presented with, you should take
The images that I chose all pertain to the studying abroad trip. The main one on the cover, Lund University, I chose as it has a green nature orientation to it that I find intriguing and foreign. Following this, I went on to include 4 more images. The first one in Hong Kong that I chose was that of the city lights at night. All of the skyscraper lights strongly contrast that of the night which looks breathtaking. The reason why I didn't include an image of Hong Kong university is that to me, it doesn't look all that amazing. I don’t think an image of this university, in particular, would entice a lot of students to travel abroad here. The second image I chose was that of a Swedish town. The original image looked very vivid in color, however, I went on to add a trace color wheel effect where I roasted the colors on the color wheel. This created a more abstract sense of the image. I did this as this to me seems to spark more curiosity and question about the place which is the goal then went on to add an image of Scotland, more specifically, the beautiful greenery. This highlights the nature aspect of this country as well as places where students could potentially hike in their free time when visiting here. The final image I added was to a second page. This image was of physics formulas and laws that serve as the background of the FAQs page. I did this as it gives the audience something that is not only familiar but interesting to look at dealing which physics as all of their questions are answered.
I started off with a canva filer outline. I then chose the Lund university as the background and then went on and decided to add a trace color effect utilizing the skills we learned in our first illustrator tutorial. I first tried the 12 colors one, but then tried the 6 colors one, which turned out to be better looking than the 12-color one. I then added a Hong Kong skyline image with no effect added. Thirdly, I added the Sweden picture where I completely messed with the color wheel and added a wave “bend: effect. I then went on to add a picture of Scotland where that highlights all of the beautiful nature-oriented mountains. All the while doing this, I chose the font “open sancas” as for the title and “Monserrat” for the text. To me, these texts look informative and clean especially after adding the white color. I decided on white for the whole text color as it stands out the most with the background and stands out as well.
Lastly, I added a second page where I added a background of physics formulas and laws on chalk abroad. I added this page as my audience would understand most of these formulas and drawings. I then copied and pasted the circles from the original template onto this page, adding four circles for the four questions that I decided to add. I decided to highlight the questions in yellow and the answers in white font to focus the initial attention on the questions.
I learned several ideas and skills through this project. To begin with, I learned a lot about the actual process of studying abroad. I learn about different scholarships, the specific courses, and the planning out of classes to take to stay on track. This project, in retrospect, has helped me decide that I do want to travel abroad. So in my way, I kind of was part of my audience for this project. In terms of the different skills that I learned from this project were a couple of happy accidents. The first happy accident was one that I didn't include in the final draft of the project. This one had to do with using the pen tool. With this tool, I traced the outline of the building from the Lund university image. I then went over to the “fx” button and hit 3D with a “traditional” effect. This was very interesting to see, however, the 3D aspect looked like really thick blocks, and even after I trimmed the width of these blocks down, they still didn’t appeal to me, so I decided to remove them. Another effect that I learned was when I added the 3D effect to the Sweden picture. SO I was already familiar with changing up the color wheel as well as messing with the “fx,” however, something new that I learned was using the “bend and wrap” effects. After applying the 3D effect to this image, I went over to bend and finished the image off by applying a “flag” bend wrap.
In the next project, I think I will do something involving traveling abroad. I will start off with a base image and add some tracing colors to it, Since the next project has to do with a map, I believe adding the trace effet will go along with it as the lines from the maps will be exaggerated even more, making the places stand out. I will also include many images of the places such as: Texas, Santa Barbara, and Washington DC.